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Hairy autumn - coat change always associated with risks

Cats are known to love it warm and cozy, so having their own fireplace allows house cats to snuggle up luxuriously during cold autumn and winter days.

However, not every cat is lucky enough to be the owner of its own fireplace, so cold seasons can be very challenging for many outdoor and indoor cats.

In autumn - compared to spring change - the fur becomes denser and longer to protect the cat from the cold. The cat's coat change lasts about 6-8 weeks, so just in time for the onset of winter, the coat will keep your cat cozy and warm. For many cat owners, the exhausting combing time is approaching. However, this - if not done properly - can be very dangerous for your kitty. Why this is so, we would like to go into more detail in this article.


Scientifically, a small cat hair goes through the following four phases:

1. anagen phase - formation of a new hair root, which is stimulated by the absorption of nutrients the growth process.

2. catagen phase - The hair reaches its genetically maximum length and stops growing.

3. Telogenic Phase - In this phase, all nutrient flow goes to a resting phase.

4. exogenous phase - In this phase the hair loosens and falls out.

Risks and problems associated with shedding are often unknown.

Even if the owner is regularly annoyed by the many hairs and combing hours: the change of coat is very exhausting for our cats. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the organism performs enormously during this phase. The metabolism runs at full speed, so that our fur nose is clearly more exhausted than on normal days. Especially fungal infections occur more frequently during this period, because the immune system is weakened.

But the hairs themselves can also become a problem. If they are not cared for regularly, they become matted particularly quickly when they fall out, thus providing the ideal conditions for parasites to settle on the skin. Increased itching, inflammation or other skin diseases are the order of the day.

Even with regular independent grooming, our house cats swallow a lot of hair. They quickly agglutinate the hairs in the gastrointestinal tract to form hairballs, which can lead to impaired digestive function.

Regular coat care is therefore by no means absent for the cat owner, so that our cats are healthy and happy.

Author: Karina Hollain / BALOU Petshop

Date: 28.10.2021

BALOU Petshop offers sustainable cat toys and sustainable cat products.


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